Experience the Difference
Courses in the Middle School are designed to prepare students for academic achievement by developing content proficiency. Students are taught skills and strategies to maximize critical thinking and understanding. The courses are rigorous and specific to the subject area while taking into consideration the academic and emotional development of the whole student.
Honors courses parallel the curriculum offered in the corresponding standard course, and may cover additional topics or some topics in greater depth. Honors courses are standard courses that require a higher level of critical thinking. To achieve success in these demanding courses, students must demonstrate a greater aptitude in the subject area, as well as exceptional motivation, work habits, and study skills. Honors courses offer additional assignments, beyond the regular assignments, that are more difficult in nature to challenge exceptional students. Honors courses are offered in Science, English, History, and Judaic Studies.
Each year, students enroll in eight (8) courses listed below:

Sixth Grade

Required courses in the sixth grade include English, World Cultures and Geography, Math, Life Science, Hebrew, Judaic Studies 6, PE, and a semester of an Elective rotation (Art, Design & Fabrication, Music, Theatre, and Vocal).

Seventh Grade

Required courses in the seventh grade include English, U.S. History to 1877, Math, Earth Science, World Language (Hebrew or Spanish), Judaic Studies 7, Physical Education, and an elective each semester of Fine Arts or Technology.

Eighth Grade

Required courses in eighth grade include English, Modern American History, Math, Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC), World Language (Hebrew or Spanish), Judaic Studies 8, Physical Education, and an elective each semester of Fine Arts or Technology.

The Emery/Weiner School

A private, pluralistic Jewish, college-preparatory middle and high school serving grades 6-12. 
Click here for more information.